In this 3-5 minute art video game, the player gets a glimpse of the foreign world of Mahasilva through Lunima as she embarks on her journey.

Using frame by frame animation and Unity, I brought my concept to life in collaboration with a programmer and composer. This was a self initiated university project.

Programs utilised: Unity, Procreate, Photoshop, After Effects, InDesign and Adobe Audition.


The story and emotional state of the character had a heavy influence on the decision of making Lunima’s home a rainforest type environment. The idea was to utilise the different layers of the world to give a different emotional feel to the player.The final game only explores story point 1 & 2.

Created using Procreate and InDesign.


This section of the map focused on mystery and fear by making the player feel small and powerless. The design was inspired swamps and mangroves.

Created with Procreate.


In contrast to the forest floor, the canopy had to feel homey and safe. It still however, needed to give the player a sense of that it wasn’t set on earth.

Created with Procreate.


Lumina is an adventurous and excitable “muschilla”, who despite of her looks can pack a punch and be feisty at times. This is reflected in her design, where her overall look is endearing but details such as the long nails and muzzle shape suggest she can fight back. Her colours where inspired by those of a Canary bird, and where specifically selected to make her stand out in all sections of the world.

Created on Procreate.


As the antagonist, Maldhu had to be immediately recognisable as the villain especially because of his short amount of time on screen. This was achieved through shape language as well as colour. The blue hues on Maldhu also helped make him look out of place in the canopy, and contrasted with Lumina’s warmer colours.

Created in Procreate.


The focus of the storyboard was to map out key animation and gameplay moments, as well as possible technical challenges. This board serve as a critical piece to communicate with my collaborator, especially for technically difficult scenes such as the fall.

Made in Procreate.


All animations where drawn frame by frame and went through the same process, firstly finding key poses, then drawing in-betweens and lastly adding colour.

This was drawn in Procreate and edited in photoshop, with a total of 68 tracked hours spent on all animations on a 2 month deadline.


Instead of making one long single direction map, i played with the layering of trees and walkable spaces to create a more natural feeling that allows the player to move in several directions. This also helped keep the sprite creation smaller, since the map was more compact.

Created in Procreate.


In order to create a sense of depth, each layer of trees and plants where layered in unity, as well as adjusted in colour and detail.

Assets displayed in Unity, created in Procreate and edited in Photoshop. Over 60 hand drawn sprites where created in a total of 45 tracked hours and a 2 month deadline.


This short art video game explores how the same space can cause different emotions by changing colour, light, props and sound. The game shows Margarita in different stages of her childhood, experiencing different moods and important childhood moments. This project was created in collaboration with a programmer and composer.

Programs utilised: Unity, Procreate, Photoshop, After Effects and Mental Canvas. Created with a 4 month deadline .


The aim of this project was to create a piece that expanded on my dissertation, titled “How do video games use interactivity and other techniques to evoke emotions in players?”. I chose to maintain the whole game in the same space, to really push the techniques I was using.

First image created on Procreate, other images created with posca paint pens



For each stage in the game, I brainstormed possible moments that could enhance the emotion of the stage. Since Margarita is a child, I focused on moments that made me feel those emotions as a child.


I utilised mental canvas initially to understand the layout of my set and how objects would overlap. However this experiment lead me to find the style of the game, which was to create a paper cut out feeling within a 3D space.


In order to communicate with my collaborator, i made a series of simple boards explaining the functions and interactions with objects.


Since the playable character changes age depending on the stage, she had to be visually different enough so that the player could recognise she was changing. Likewise, her outfit had to compliment the mood of the level.

Drawn in Procreate


For character animations I used skeletal animation to enhance the feeling of her being made out of paper pieces. I did this by creating a puppet and using parenting.

Drawn in Procreate, edited in Photoshop and animated in After Effects



Set in the same world as “Lunima”, this project explores 8 different creatures that populate Mahasilva. This hand binded book mimics a hand written journal by using paper that appears aged and utilising a handwritten font created by me.

Programs utilised: InDesign, Procreate and Photoshop 


Mahasilva’s rainforest can be divided in layers, the canopy, the forest floor and the caverns. Each section has their own unique attributes causing a difference in flora and fauna.


The Zayanato is a dominent semi-aquatic predetor. Their design was a hybrid of a salt water crocodile and a giant salamander. I chose to make them iridescent creatures after learning it was a form of camouflage.

Created in Procreate and edited in Photoshop


The Conchika live underground their whole lives, and have a symbiotic relationship with the glow moss on their back. This creature was a mix of several animals, including domesticated hamsters, desert tortoises and armadillos.

Created in Procreate and edited in Photoshop


Pakmias are the only marsupials in Mahasilva, and are highly social creatures. The pakmia's design is a mix of a coati, spider monkey, platypus and a dodo bird. This mix created a small agile creature, with the ability to eat anything using its beak and claws.

Drawn in Procreate and edited in Photoshop


For each creature, I kept in mind their environment, roll in the food chain and possible unique behaviours. I wanted to create animals that were unique but believable. I especially chose to stay away from stereotypical approaches to “alien” life by not over complicating the creatures.

Drawn in Procreate and edited in Photoshop


This map served as a key way to introduce the world to the viewers as well as the style of book it was.

Drawn in Procreate and edited in Photoshop.



Outside of my university projects, I like to continue challenging my creativity and expanding my skills. I recently participated in the community challenge “Fantasy Doggust” and created several unique creatures in response to the prompts.